Minding Mama - a comic book series

'MINDING MAMA' will be a comic book series about mankind's last stand. We have successfully crowdfunded our trailer and are now crowdfunding issue 1.
Below and right you can see two images from our trailer shoot in October 2017 by Stephen R Cox:
Below: Kate Davies-Speak is Mama
Right: 'Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy' veteran David Learner is the voice of Cyril the FarmBot
Above you can see the completed live-action trailer . Why not help us to produce Issue 1 and pick up some fabulous rewards here ?

Concept Artist Amanda Fullwood joins the 'Minding Mama' team!
March, 2016: A big welcome to Amanda Fullwood! In Amanda's own words:
"I started out my career within the field of theatre design, working on projects ranging from live art and installation through to musicals and drama. Since then I have extended my art into more illustrative and narrative painting for which I have produced many commissions and work for exhibition. I have always been fascinated by concept art, film, TV and gaming so decided to combine my love of scenic design and narrative art and return to University in 2013 to study for my Masters in Design for Film, TV and Events at Nottingham Trent University. I am specialising in design for film, concept art and illustration including designed products such as bags, boxes and accessories. I recently exhibited and sold my work at Walker Stalker London 2016."
We are thrilled to have Amanda on board. You can see examples of Amanda's work on her website, and on her blog. You can also follow Amanda on Twitter: @DarkForge14
Welcome to artist Dan Schaefer!
Welcome to Dan Schaefer, who will provide the art for the 'Minding Mama' comic book series and storyboards for our crowdfund trailer.
Dan Schaefer has contributed his skills as a concept/storyboard artist to film and television productions for more than 29 years. His list of projects varies from animation (Teen-Age Mutant Turtles animated TV series), advertising campaigns (NBA, Microsoft, BMW, Adidas, Nike, Intel, HP, Clorox, Airwick, Cadillac) and feature films/television (BBC, NBC/Universal, MGM, Lions Gate, Paramount, TNT, HBO, Netflix). He has worked as a pre-visualization artist with Gus Van Sant (Paranoid Park, To Each His Own Cinema, Milk), Guillermo Arriga (The Burning Plain) Ellory Elkayam (Without a Paddle 2), Jonathan Frakes and Frank Oz (Leverage) and Rob Bowman(Staties). His diverse skill set has led him into art direction (Valley of Light for Hallmark), producing (associate producer on the film Deep Winter starring Kellan Lutz) and directing a series of documentaries(Mania, Kings of the Road, Figaro, and House By the Side of the Road). Works include concept/storyboard/prop artist on Grimm(NBC), TNT's Leverage/Librarians, The Break(BBC), Here and Now(HBO), and American Vandal(Netflix).

Welcome to Kate Davies-Speak!

Welcome to David Learner!
Hello to Kate Davies-Speak, who plays Mama in our trailer. Kate is known for her portrayal of strong, active female leads, and as such she is perfect for Mama. Check out the web series 'Horizon', in which Kate plays Nicole. Series 2 is coming in early 2018, don't miss it!

Welcome to David Learner, who will be the voice of Cyril the Farmbot in our trailer! Many of you will know David from his portrayal of Marvin the paranoid android in several stage adaptions of 'The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy' , as well as the TV series (although Marvin was voiced by Stephen Moore on that occasion, David provided Marvin's physical presence).

Why I love Stage32
That little 32 icon makes me very happy. Why? Becuase Stage32 has introduced me to so many creative people, including two artists whom I've since gone on to hire: Cat Archer-Wills, who is creating beautiful images for my book trailer for 'The Methuselah Paradox', and Amanda Fullwood, who will be creating concept art for 'Minding Mama' and last but not least, Dan Schaefer, who will be illustrating the graphic novel for 'Minding Mama' . If you are creative and looking for fellow collaborators, why not sign up? It's free - and you never know when you might make that all-important contact to take you to the next stage...